Our Logo

What does our logo mean?
The story begins five years ago when God gave me a vision of what the logo should look like and why it needed to be in this specific format. And five different graphic designers later, we finally found a very gifted graphic designer to capture what God intended the logo to be and signify for our Ministry. I thank God that after so many years, He led me to Joseph M. in 2021, who allowed the Holy Spirit to use his gifts and talents to finally capture the vision God had given me for the logo that would represent our Ministries Mission.
In this vision, God revealed to me the meaning of our logo, which goes hand-in-hand with the Mandate God has given us for this Ministry. So much of “Christianity” focuses on the Cross. We see the cross in everything that symbolizes Christianity; it’s on churches, books, bumper stickers, chains, jewelry and many more, yet the cross was a symbol of death during Roman times and in the culture of the time it was the most grueling and humiliating way to kill or punish someone. Christians however, see that through the Cross we have the hope of Eternal Life because Christ paid our “Debt of Sin” and because of the Blood of Christ our sins are forgiven.
The amazing thing is that the majority of Christianity stays at the Cross and stop there. They accept the FREE GIFT given by Grace and stop right there. They accept the Free Gift and just sit on the sidelines because religion has taught them that punching a religious clock and warming a church pew once a week is enough to guarantee them something Eternal when Christ comes back. In Chapter 7 of Matthew there is a sub-title before verses 21-23 that reads “True and False Disciples” which talks about the error of just stopping at the Cross. Gods’ True Disciples have had a real relationship with Him, that’s how He “Knows” them.
I mean this with all due respect to our Lord God Almighty; but Christ did far more for us than just dying on the Cross at Calvary. I am eternally grateful for that Sacrifice. However, we stay so focused on the Cross, that we lose sight of the fact that Christ through the Power of the Holy Spirit was raised from the dead on the 3rd Day.
My dear Brothers and Sisters the combination of both of these events is where our true POWER flows from. In Christ dying on the Cross it opened the door for us, that through His Blood, we could have access to God again. When Christ uttered the words “It is Finished” the veil that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place (where the presence of God dwelt) was torn from top to bottom symbolizing that no longer would the Presence of God dwell in that place, but through the Blood of Christ God could dwell in our Hearts, if we invite Him in (Revelations 3:20).This is why we can confidently say and believe that: “Greater is HE that is IN us, than he that is in the World”.
Through the Born Again experience and the Power of the Holy Spirit we can be raised from spiritual death and walk in newness of life so that we can confidently declare our Birthright being restored to us again because of the Blood of Christ. We are grafted onto the Vine again; we are redeemed and can be called the Sons and Daughters of God again. Our Dominion over the Earth is restored to us again, because of the second Adam, Jesus Christ. The Cross opened the door for us so that with the help of the Holy Spirit, we could step into the Spiritual Dimension and learn to battle effectively against satan. Few Christians have had the boldness to step through that door, mainly because religion has watered down the Gospel so much.
Because of the Blood of Christ we have access to the Spiritual Dimension IN Christ and access to God. We have the opportunity to have the Kingdom established in us again and therefore having ONENESS with God. Because Christ rose from the dead we share in that same Victory over death and we have a blessed assurance that Christ WILL come back to bring His Followers Home to the Kingdom of Glory. This is the Good News!
Ask yourself this: “Why did the Archangel remove the stone from the tomb”? Jesus could have easily been translated through the walls of the tomb and been resurrected. God rolled away the stone from the tomb so that in the Physical Dimension everyone could see the Tomb was empty and prophecy was fulfilled. So that Believers and non-Believer alike could see with their own eyes the Power of God and the Victory of the Plan of Salvation. Satan thought that death was his to claim and in Christ dying on the Cross satan thought he had victory…man was he wrong! The empty tomb proclaims Gods’ Power over death and re-establishes our Dominion, Kingship and Sovereignty as Sons and Daughters of God because of the Power and Authority Christ has over the Heavens and the Earth (Matthew 28:18).
The empty tomb is a symbol of LIFE and of the promise that IN Christ we have access to Gods’ Power which is manifested with the help of the Holy Spirit through us. This is why the logo of our Ministry is the empty tomb. If you notice inside the tomb, on the slab where Jesus was laid, you see the shroud folded and placed on the slab. This has a special symbolism as well…
In the Jewish culture in Jesus’ time when the Master of the house was sitting at the table eating and needed to get up, he would either throw his napkin on the table symbolizing and indicating to his servants that he would not return to the table or come back to the meal. However, if the Master folded his napkin neatly and placed it on the table this symbolized and indicated to the servant that the Master would return and be back to finish the meal.
This is why in the logo design you see has this element implemented. The folded shroud means that Jesus our Master, WILL BE BACK and HE will return, to sit at the Table with all the Redeemed who are HIS servants and the True Followers of Christ. Our logo is a symbol and a reminder of the Promise Christ made to all of us who believe in HIM. It’s the greatest promise made to humanity my friends; the promise that He would return after preparing a place for us in the Kingdom of Glory (John 14:20-26).
Arise Evangelistic Association, Inc.
is a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Charitable Organization recognized by the IRS in the USA. Arise is incorporated in the State of Florida and is here to serve in the cause of Christ. We are here to help in any way we can, all for the Glory of God and His Kingdom. God Bless you and thanks for taking the time to visit us.
Contact Us
David S. Rivera
Senior Chaplain
Arise Evangelistic Association
PO Box 881821
Port St. Lucie, FL 34988