Our Ministry

Thanksgiving Day 2023

Thanksgiving Day 2023

Guatemala Christmas Project 2022

Religion has caused many “Christians” to fall asleep to the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19,and most have lost sight of the True Gospel of the Kingdom as Christ lived it and preached it.  Our Ministry eliminates denominational boundaries which only put God in a box through rites, rituals and man-made views so that through the Holy Spirit we can awaken them to the True Power of the Kingdom.  This is why we invite everyone, anyone and all to help in the fulfillment of this Mandate.  Our Mission is to Glorify our Father in Heaven by taking the Light of Christ to all the World by the following two methods:

1). The Word of God:

Throughout the Bible God has revealed His Son Jesus Christ to us, in various ways shapes and forms. Through the broad range of Evangelistic tools and services our Ministry offers such as:  Prayer Meetings, Revival Meetings, Evangelistic Crusades, Discipleship Training Courses, Camp Meetings, Prison Ministries and many more…we have seen time and time again God using these tools to accomplish His “mandate” to us, which is to bring the “Light of Christ” through His Word to those who are in need of finding hope while they are in spiritual darkness. Hundreds of precious Souls have made a decision for Christ due to such meetings taking place all for the Honor and Glory of God. Currently we have a Discipleship Training Course titled: “Seven Steps to Kingdom Apostleship” that has been copyrighted and being actively used to help “Believers” become TRUE Followers of Christ by bringing them back to the original Gospel of the Kingdom that Christ Jesus lived and taught during His earthly Ministry. Praise be to God!

2). The Love of God:

The Love of God can be best demonstrated by: acts of love, compassion, kindness and understanding. Our Ministry Prime Directive is to show the Love of God, not only in providing food for the needy for nourishment, but most importantly Spiritual Nourishment.  Matthew 25:40 tells us that: “if you have done it onto one of the least of these, you have done it unto ME”.  In the essence of this powerful command Arise Evangelistic Association has embarked to accept this Mandate that God has placed upon us and to make tangible to those Brothers and Sisters who are in Spiritual and Physical need, the Spirit of Gods’ awesome LOVE.  Through the various outreach activities that our Ministry will provide and participate in, we hope to bring Glory to our loving Father in Heaven.

We believe that now, more than ever in Mankind’s history the LOVE OF CHRIST is needed and is the only solution to society’s problems and moral decay. We believe St. Francis said it best: “Share Christ with everyone, and if you have to use words”.  Actions speak louder than words, it is not a time for “Christians” to sit on the side-lines and warm church pews, NOW IS THE TIME to live the Word and be the living Word as Christ was through the Power of the Kingdom.

Our Ministry has been honored and blessed that we have been able to complete projects in Guatemala and Mexico along with local evangelistic outreach in order to be the “Hands and Feet of Christ”. Our Ministry is calling on all those who have grown tired of the status-quo and are ready to do something relevant for the true Gospel of the Kingdom by putting action behind your Faith so that we can all be used by God in a greater capacity. It’s not about religion with Christ; it’s all about Relationship with HIM and fulfilling the Purpose (Ministry) He has created you for. We pray this website can be a resource and a tool for you on your Christian Walk. God Bless!


Arise Evangelistic Association, Inc.

is a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Charitable Organization recognized by the IRS in the USA. Arise is incorporated in the State of Florida and is here to serve in the cause of Christ. We are here to help in any way we can, all for the Glory of God and His Kingdom. God Bless you and thanks for taking the time to visit us.

Contact Us

David S. Rivera

Senior Chaplain

Arise Evangelistic Association
PO Box 881821
Port St. Lucie, FL 34988

Copyright © 2025 Arise Evangelistic Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved.